How to read Braille

Pages of swell paper with different surface patters consisting of dots, lines and crosses

A number of pages with different surface patterns and intersections of lines and patterns

My new design project is interesting. It mostly consists of maths and programming, combined with social research. After that, finally, some layouting and typesetting – but the final product will not necessarily look pretty. That’s alright though, since it’s not made to be looked at: We are working on teaching materials for blind and visually impaired students. More specifically, a graphics catalogue to be used in high school maths education.
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Nachdem der erste Sticker so gut ankommt, ist direkt ein zweiter entstanden.

Der aktuelle politische Diskurs ist unglaublich laut, und gleichzeitig werden viele immer stiller.
Im Sinne der Metakommunikativen Axiome nach Paul Watzlawick et al.: Man kann nicht nicht kommunizieren.

Es ist Zeit darüber nachzudenken, was wir mit unserer Stimme eigentlich bewirken – oder eben nicht. Und ob was wir tun auch wirklich in unserem Sinne ist.

Sticker #2

Sticker mit Orange und Violettem Hintergrund und weißem Text

Macht was Schönes damit falls ihr mögt, und wenn ihr euch wegen der Lizenz unsicher seid könnt ihr mich auch gerne kontaktieren.

After the conference

A few programmes and nametags (with pre-printed pronoun options) arranged on a desk with some pencils

And the conference is over. I wish I had found the time to take pictures of all the signs and other print products and decorations we made for the conference, but I was too busy.

People, organizing a conference is a lot of work. Turns out organizing a conference with loads of experimental features and events (such as a sound performance installation and an art exhibition) is even more work. But it was definitely worth the extra effort.

New Poster!

Tables in a lecture room with posters for the Changing Worlds Conference

Look what just came from the printers!

New conference year, new poster! It doesn’t make a lot of sense, but somehow printed artifacts make a project or event feel “more real”.

We went with a similar style as for the last conference, but this time I chose to do a digital illustration since that makes the individual elements reusable.
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Changing Worlds?

The poster for the first Changing Worlds Conference is off to the printers!

Poster for the Changing Worlds Conference 2014. On a white Background, 3 views of planet earth are in the bottom left corner. Together they show a full world map. A lot of cultural and technical artifacts grow out of the worlds. On top we have a billboard with the conference title, the contact details are in the bottom right corner.

The pencil sketch became a full poster.

With this poster I wanted to illustrate the multiplicity of human experiences that is also the basis for the name of the conference, ”Changing Worlds”.
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poster to be


This will be the poster for a conference I’m organizing with a few fellow students.

After a month of being sick and almost managing to die along the way, I finally got started on a new creative project. I learned, once again, that being able to make stuff (drawing, painting, crafting, building …) is a crucial factor in keeping me sane.

Actually, that is not much of a surprise. But those last few weeks were the worst and I’m still in a rather wibbley-wobbley my-body-doesn’t-quite-does-what-I-want-it-to-do-and-I’m-all-dizzy-and-exhausted state of being.

pixel all the pixels.


progress: disco cave


progress: infrastructure and stuff

I seem to like pixel drawings. Initially, a friend asked me to draw a little skyline for the header of his new website. Then I just went on and on … you know how it goes.

In the last pixel post, I wrote that the cave was supposed to become a cinema. But as it evolved, it became some sort of an underground party location.

Now it’s huge and the file has 130 layers prepared for all sorts of weird animations that might or might not actually work at some point. But still no elder gods …



Posted in Design, Projects 02.02.2014
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