Santa Tentacles

Here, have a mechanic octopus with a santa hat. Also a huge disco ball dangling in between it’s legs …

This is a slightly bizarre version of christmas, found at the Santa Monica Pier on one of those in-between days after christmas when the old year is slowly fading out.

That was in 2014 already! Time flies.

I’m just now working through the pictures from the month-long trip to the US two years ago, yes I’m super fast, I know. But the christmas octopus is just awesome. I don’t really celebrate christmas – but I like weird things so this is perfectly christmas, as far as I’m concerned.

Also this is why my parents now have a big, sparkly, wooden walrus* ornament on their christmas tree.

Kitsch. Patriotism. Seagull.

* Considering I bought it in San Francisco, I think it really should have been a sea lion. But I only found a walrus. A happy fat and sparkly one, so I guess it’s fine.

Clowns ahead.

Posted in Life 19.12.2016

moar scissors

I Love the aesthetics of linoprints.

In between all of the usual end-of-year chaos, a dear friend invited me to play with her printing press. We made a few things, and in the end I finally managed to print the linoleum plate I cut as a test when trying out the newest laser cutter.

Turns out that the prints I wanted to make were too complicated for water based paints, so now I have oil based ones (jay for black fingers and mineral spirits ;). When looking at my black fingers, I keep being reminded of my print workshop teacher from art school – When anyone was annoyed with their paint-stained hands, he would always smirk and say “Na, es heißt ja die schwarze Kunst” (Well printing is black art after all).

Posted in Printing 15.12.2016

painting with light

One could start think that I really like sunsets a lot, considering the amount of sunset-pictures I have been taking/posting lately … But honestly I mostly like the colors.

The weather we have been having lately just makes for the best light.

I don’t even like brown, but the colour scheme here is so nice … bright sunlight and rain clouds.

Posted in Uncategorized 15.12.2016

well …

Sunshine. Surveillance. It’s all good.


(There’s emergency brakes)