

Very kitschy and heavily embellished snowflake coasters!

Luckily, not everyone is connected to everyone else just yet, so I can show you gifts I helped a friend make :P

I used the snowflakes to try engraving acrylic glass with the laser, which is something I will need for a future necklace-project I have been planning for a while.

It took some time to find the right material for the necklace-to-be, but now that I have the material and the handling of the robot figured out it should not be too long until I can get started.

While I am not too fond of how laser-engraving looks on wood, it is quite lovely on acrylic. Maybe I would even like how engravings look on wood, if burnt edges on unfinished plywood weren’t just screaming hackerspace project in a not-so-aesthatically-pleasing way? Not sure.

But then I generally do not like unfinished wood. It looks rather bland, and it feels horrible.

Let’s just stick to engraving things that are not wood for now ;)


And as I am being asked about the laser a lot, I made a video of the cutting process.

The video is a bit lame as I was too lazy to edit it much, and not brave (or stupid) enough to put my camera beneath the lid, right into the machine while it was running. But here you go, I hope you still like it: