What Else to Dye?

I am asked a lot of questions about the various types of hair that are not atop someones head, so I’ll try to answer those as best as I can. Please be aware that there is skin under the hair you want to dye, so if you’re planning on going rainbow-style in sensitive areas maybe test that on a small area first.

I get the impression that the structure of body hair has a lot to do with it’s capacity to hold semi-permanent/rainbow dye well, but I haven’t conducted enough experiments to figure out how exactly everything works. I feel that the coarser the hair is, the less likely it is to work with semi-permanent dye. The same is true for very fine hair. I would assume most dyes available in Europe and North America are actually formulated for some form of “average” caucasian hair, so the closer the hair you want to dye fits that standard (whatever it is), the easier it will likely be.


You can dye your eyebrows. It’s a lot of fun, but I haven’t had any mentionable success dyeing my eyebrows with non-permanent colors so far. Everything non-permanent I have tried washed out in a day or two. I’m not sure if this is more because of my hair type, or if eyebrows are just weird, or if it is all my fault because I’m washing my face so frequently.

I usually use regular permanent hair dye (drugstore brand) in the most colorful shades of red and purple I can find. I find it easiest to apply the dye with a very small straight brush. Using q-tips, I wipe off any excess dye immediately as it is really annoying to get permanent hair dye off ones face.

The life cycle of eyebrow hair is relatively short. So in order for neon eyebrows to look really amazing they need to be touched up roughly every other week. When they start looking funny it is also possible to fill them in with a matching lip liner (yes, lip liner. Obviously eyebrow pens are better, but it is almost impossible to find purple or bright red eyebrow pencils.).

Creepy alien, kind of.

Also: be careful when using bleach on your face! Eyebrows usually are situated in close proximity to someone’s eyes. Getting bleach or other chemicals into your eyes is not a good idea, so do it at your own risk. That being said, I have been bleaching and dyeing my eyebrows for years and it has never been a problem.


Beards are similar to eyebrows, except that they’re not as close to your eyes (this makes things easier). You can bleach and dye beards just like the rest of the hair on your head. Semi-permanent dye seems to work better on beards than on eyebrows, but that might very well be due to the amount of hair. An eyebrow usually is such a tiny patch of hair that the semi-permanent dye just does not seem to stay as well as with a full beard.

From the brands I have introduced earlier, Manic Panic and Special Effects seem to work best here – use small straight painting brushes for the best results.


Works well, but semi-permanent dye tends to bleed when getting wet. Having red armpit hair while sweating and wearing a white t-shirt could lead to weird situations, so permanent dye might be the better choice if you are going for long term results.

Arms, Legs, Chest …

I think it makes more sense to use permanent dye for this, as all semi-permanent products tend to disappear after a few days due to sweat and the fact that people shower daily and wear clothing all the time.

That being said, I have dyed funky patterns into people’s arms and chests and it has been fun.

Pubic hair

Just like for all non-head-hair I think using permanent dye is best. And you know … if you have really sensitive skin, then maybe just don’t do it (or test the product you are trying to use on a small area first).

The dyed hair also grows out really fast.

People I have talked to who did dye their pubic hair generally seem not to have had good experiences with either henna or semi-permanent dyes for practical reasons, and because of the durability of the dye job. Read: Bleeds a lot and fades really fast or doesn’t give a good coverage to begin with.

Taking Care of Rainbow Hair

If you have rainbow hair, conditioner is your best friend. I never wash my hair without using conditioner afterwards, and I think this step is really important for keeping it in good shape. Also, my hair looks horrible when I skip that step. It is also advisable to not handle your wet, bleached hair too much before putting in the conditioner. Even if it’s in a relatively good shape, bleached hair tends to break when it’s wet. I am using a natural cosmetics brand for shampoo, as well as various conditioners and hair masks that I am constantly switching between.

chop chop

Water and dye

I wash/shampoo my hair about twice a week, and with that schedule my dye jobs last about four weeks most of the time. Sometimes it’s only three, but often I only touch up the lengths every 2 months or so. When getting your hair wet, semi-permanent dye will fade much faster than permanent products. The more often you wash your hair, the quicker it will fade. The color builds up though: If you dye for the second or third time, you will notice that the dye job will last much longer than in the beginning. You will also notice that after some time the roots will start fading a bit faster than the lengths because of this.

You can touch up your hair in between dye sessions during your everyday routine by just adding a bit of dye to your shampoo or conditioner. I mostly wash my hair with purple shampoo. But: The dye will bleed out and if you dyed it an actual rainbow, that can affect the other colors. If the hair at the top of your head is blue, and the bottom is yellow … you might want to wash your hair so the water all flows from yellow to blue – and not the other way around. For this reason it is generally much harder to maintain gradients or actual rainbows  if the light colors are at the bottom.

Heat does also factor into the longevity of your dye job. Hot water opens the hairs scales, so the pigments can wash out more easily. If you want semi-permanent dye to last as long as possible, you should wash your hair with relatively cold water. I did not believe that for quite some time, but it actually makes a huge difference if I wash my hair in hot water versus lukewarm.

Chlorinated water (especially swimming pools) are the worst enemy of your rainbow head. Being in a swimming pool for a few hours will likely strip all the dye out of any hair that stays in contact with the water. This can be used to one’s advantage when fading/bleaching out old dye. Swimming in natural water works fine for me.

Keeping the color vibrant

There are a few things everyone knows are bad for you hair, but they have a much higher impact on hair that is bleached and dyed with a semi-permanent product.

Being in the sun too much will visibly fade the color, and it also easily damages the structure of hair that is already damaged from bleaching. If I’m in the sun a lot I usually wear a hat anyways, but if you don’t maybe try using sun spray. Doing a hair mask when after getting a lot of sun also never hurts.

Regular haircuts

I’m quite radical when it comes to chopping off my hair. If the tips are in a really bad shape, I will let the hairdresser cut off 10, or 20cm without hesitation (depending on my hairstyle at that time). It is generally advisable to get your haircut a few times a year in order for the color to look it’s best: The whole bleach situation really does not make the tips of your hair any nicer, and damaged tips do not take dye all that well. This means the color will fade much faster at split ends and such, but you might never notice that at all I guess.

Haselnusspunsch und Monster

Hazelnut! Winter! Punch! My favorite winter punch stall sells Haselnusspunsch.

And it’s the best. Really.

I’ve been meaning to make my own for years now, but somehow I never got my hands on anything reasonable for the hazelnut flavoring. Haha! Until now. I found hazelnut syrup in Vienna’s fancy first district Merkur a few weeks back and of course I set out to recreate my favorite punch. Alcohol free.

Hazelnuts aside, it is really hard to find special and interesting wintery drinks without alcohol. More generally, it is way too hard to avoid alcohol. I’m constantly irritated by how much alcohol is being consumed as a basic building block for social interactions … But I digress. I’m not in the mood to discuss politics and social protocols, so let’s make punch instead.

And before anyone complains about the lack of booze: The best thing about this recipe is that it goes both ways. The basic recipe is kid people-who-don’t-drink friendly, but it can be adapted to be “regular” punch with rum.

with and without alcohol
You need
1.5L water
0.5l apple juice
2 oranges (the juice)
2 lemons (the juice)
5 bags Winterzauber tea
1-2 cinnamon sticks
15 cloves
120ml Monin hazelnut syrup
100ml Rum (or to taste)

In a big pot, bring the water and apple juice to a boil.

Meanwhile, juice the lemons and oranges.

Add the spices, fruit juices and tea bags to the pot. Let the mixture simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.

Remove the pot from the heat (or the lowest setting if you are planning on keeping it warm during a party) and add the hazelnut syrup.

If you want to add rum, you can do that now. If you only wanted alcoholic hazelnut punch to begin with, you could just as well use clear hazelnut liqueur to replace the syrup (and probably omit the rum).

Serve hot and enjoy!


I use a tea blend called “Winterzauber” that’s readily available in Austria. If you can’t get that, you can substitute it with other wintery fruit teas.

And because that tea blend is quite specific, I looked up the ingredients for Winterzauber tea so you can find a good substitute. The following list is ordered by weight. I hope that helps, but I’m sure future me will be happy about having done that the next time I want to make punch while not in Austria ;)

Ingredients: hibiscus, rose hip, cinnamon, Spekulatius flavoring, apples, orange peel, elderberries, cloves, peppermint.

Heute so unpolitisch.

Heute ist so ein Tag.

Passend zum Tage, Monat und Jahr hab’ ich heute was für euch zum Ausdrucken, Sticker machen oder für T-Shirts:

Eine kleine Erinnerung

Sicker, weiße Pixelschrift auf schwarzem Grund mit den Worten

Macht was Schönes damit falls ihr mögt, und wenn ihr euch wegen der Lizenz unsicher seid könnt ihr mich auch gerne kontaktieren.

Und ein paar Worte

Ursprünglich eigentlich als Kommentar auf die Techbubble, deren Innovationen und Neutralitätsansprüche gedacht, passt das Zitat auch hier. Wie praktisch! Mir liegt viel Text ja nicht so, das können und machen andere besser. Daher hier nur eine Zusammenfassung in aller Kürze:

Alles ist politisch. Es ist schlicht eine Frage der Machtverhältnisse wer (oder was) durch Übereinkunft mit einer kulturell dominanten Meinung „neutral“ oder „unpolitisch“ durchgeht, sich nicht reflektieren und rechtfertigen muss.

In den (Geistes-)Wissenschaften herrscht schon länger Einigkeit darüber, dass es Neutralität in dem Sinne nicht gibt. Jede*r von uns hat eine Weltsicht die von dem was wir erfahren, gelernt, gedacht, gebraucht, gewollt und (nicht) bekommen haben geformt ist. Und das fließt in alles ein was wir tun. Wir alle sind politisch. Alles was wir tun ist politisch. Und wenn es gerade auf den ersten Blick nicht so aussieht, dann heißt das nur dass wir in der Privilegienlotterie zufällig das richtige Los gezogen haben.

Und nicht mehr als das.

Das heißt in weiterer Folge, dass nur Vielfalt vielfältiges schaffen kann. Und dazu müssen alle die eine Stimme bekommen, die nicht sowieso schon tausendfach gehört werden. Dazu müssen diejenigen, die von der Norm abweichen, sichtbar sein – sein dürfen. An sehr vielen Ecken und Enden überall werden aber gerade die laut, die sich von Vielfalt bedroht fühlen. Und sie kämpfen mit allem was sie haben dagegen.

In dem Sinne: Wenn ihr seht es läuft was schief und ihr irgendwie könnt, steht auf und tut was. Helft. Streitet. Seid ungemütlich. Seid sichtbar. Weil schweigen ist immer Zustimmung.

goat content

You know, I’m writing a paper right now. Actually, I’m reading a paper at this very moment. So of course procrastionation tassels are happening.


Posted in DIY, Life 05.05.2017

yes? no? maybe.

So, I haven’t been taking a lot of pictures lately. This past winter, I have been reading and writing rather than making. I didn’t feel I had the energy to just stay up all night sewing most of the time. And I also did not feel like tackling huge projects. I went months without taking a single nice picture, without even noticing it.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m doing too many things. Or rather attempting to … and not really getting anywhere with anything as a result of that. But even if my priorities currently are somewhere entirely different, the sewing machine still comes out regularly. And so do my pencils and paint and brushes. Being creative and making things, actually using my hands, is something I need. I just haven’t figured out what all of this means with my life having changed so much in these past 3 years.

But who knows, right? I might wake up tomorrow and start to sew daily again. Or not. probably not, we’ll see.

I’m still not in the mood to take pictures, but I have a new project. I learned how to tie proper bow ties recently, so I set out to sew a bunch of them. Or rather: A friend taught me how to tie those things, and then we made some together. Crafting (or sewing, or painting, or …) with friends are always a wonderful way to spend a day. Or a night. Or, you know, a good excuse to chat and cook and stay up way past everyone’s bedtime. And bow ties have been on my “to sew” list for years, so yay for that.

No pictures of actual bow ties. Because nobody took a singe presentable picture so far. But this is the pattern I came up with.

My method is not perfect yet – I think I will have to just get out of my comfort zone and try sew-in interfacing. While iron on works like a charm, I think it doesn’t make for the most durable end product. But I have a working pattern now. And some prototypes which range from wearable to really great, so I’m considering it a success.

And all bow ties were sewn on Eleonore. She makes the most beautiful tiny little stitches. My new Singer’s stitch pattern doesn’t even come close, so I guess that’s another success. I’ve always dreaded sewing sliders onto 700 layers of tiny slippery strap bits, but the heft of Eleonore’s full metal body made it a joy to assemble the ties.

And you know what? I just remembered that I did in fact sew a spontaneous winter coat in December. That first coat I have been afraid of sewing for so many years because I was so sure I would mess it up (I didn’t). And that I didn’t even end up take pictures of … Oh well. Maybe that’s another post for another day.

Posted in DIY, Life 05.05.2017

invisible (perception – an experiment)


Posted in Life 29.11.2016