a hole in the wall


A hole in some old building filled with autumn and trees …
inside a hole in another building that is filled with construction work.

Two wonky holes in Graz.

Full of decay.



tl;dr: Everything is broken. I might attempt to fix some things.

I shot a roll of film … *Insert autumn walk story* and it does not look like expected. Stupid expired film is acting weird sometimes.

It ate all the shadows.

The film ate all the shadows and it looks like I only fixed one of what seems to have actually been two light leaks. But the polarizer-hack seems to be working fine: The polarizer can now be slipped on and off the lens easily, without screwing – Which is very convenient for a 2-eyed camera.

Also, I think my phone is broken (Or it’s just mad at me for not loving it enough … one can never be sure with these things). If you want to get in touch, maybe try something that is not my phone.

prater and purple


Here, have a look at my favourite attraction to take pictures of at the Prater.

Every time I’m there, there’s only one or two people riding this thing at a time. It’s really pretty though.


I’m not entirely convinced that the purple is the best film for this particular picture.

It makes all the lovely colours of the swing ride disappear, but that’s the beauty of analog photography I guess. Sometimes, things just happen. And one only notices when it’s too late to change anything about them.


Now this is what creepy looks like in Vienna.

Actually, this is how most of old fashioned (“traditional”) Vienna looks like: Flashy, albeit slightly rotten.

Vienna is a rather morbid city. Ever obsessed with death and decay …

prater and portra



Last week, like every year when summer comes to an end, I visited Prater. This time, I even brought a decent camera.

I shot two rolls of film, but I really need to make a separate post for the purple pictures. Here, have some Prater on Portra 400.




This might be my favourite picture from 2015 so far … The colours, the light, the afternoon. And the weathered wood.

Taken with a friends’ Hasselblad on a playground in Berlin.

herrengasse highrise


We noticed that open house was happening this weekend – just before it was over. So we quickly grabbed a few cameras, and off we went to see Vienna’s first high-rise building.

The weather was glorious and we happened to be on the roof taking pictures just in time for the golden hour …


And for a bit of extra nerdery, I brought my period-accurate camera: Both were built roughly at the same time. And while my rolleicord art deco is must have been completed a year after the building was, they’re from different times.


modernism and art deco





Happy accident.
Double exposure because old camera does no thinking on it’s own :)
But I quite like it.

last day of summer


I had to take care of some stuff “at home”, so I ended up visiting my grandmother on what seems to have been the last day of summer.

With the sun hanging just that little bit deeper than in the weeks before, the the mellow light is already setting the mood for autumn …



Also, chickens. And realising over and over that what once was home does not at all feel like home anymore.

It is kind of strange how moving around where I grew up completely fails to be anything but strange lately.

