occasional dyeing

Posted in DIY 01.04.2018

Robot Invasion

I randomly stumbled across another installation by David Černý while I was out exploring the end of the world one of Prague’s outer districts and looking for birthday cupcakes.


Here is a quick gif I made while soaking up all the sun I could get after 2 weeks of end-of-march-snow. It was a glorious, colourful late afternoon and after 2 hours everything went back to cold and rainy. But I got sun and birthday cupcakes, and even at the same time!

Viel nix (und Nebel)

Posted in Life 22.03.2018

Endlich Schnee!

Posted in Life 19.02.2018


Weihnachtswintersilvesterbeleuchtung im Prager Innenhof.

Posted in Life 19.01.2018



Posted in Uncategorized 06.01.2018

Unpolitisch sein …

Jetzt auch als T-shirt! Mit Bleiche. Silberglitterndes Experiment.

Posted in DIY 18.12.2017