

My still-not-so-finished costume project currently presents itself as a giant, fluffy monster, lingering in the corner of my bedroom. The pile seemingly is just about to devour my bed, and then me. Probably in that order. (But maybe, if I manage to defeat the white beast, it will eventually become a petticoat.)

Also, there’s a peak at another, less frightening part of the project. It involves wood turning and playing with leather scraps. And paint:


Posted in DIY, Life 31.08.2013

so little time …


Last week I worked on the steel bones (I even bought a crazy expensive shiny new bolt-cutter-thingy that makes cutting strange metal bits really enjoyable!)

Then I spent a few hours torturing my neigbours – in an attempt to get all those rivets to behave. A “tool” had to be built in order to beat them into submission (quite literally).  Also, I hurt myself. There was blood.

I wonder if the corset will be finished by the 8th. I am almost done with the embellishments, but there are a few things I haven’t worked out yet.

And then there are the skirt and the petticoat … I haven’t even started thinking about them, but we’ll see …

Posted in DIY 14.05.2013

sewing is peaceful and gentle …


… it also involves a lot of elbow grease. And swearing. And heat shrink tubing. And power tools. And fire. And maths.

Posted in DIY 01.05.2013




Posted in Uncategorized 15.04.2013





great outfit, no?


and a little bow :)

These are for a costume and will go under a petticoat/skirt. I’m also working on said skirt, the petticoat, and a corset right now. There will probably be some sort of ruff (and I would really like to make a jacket to go with the outfit, but that seems highly unlikely).

They are based on the Madeleine Bloomers, but I modified them quite a bit: I added height in the back, and also made the legs slightly longer.

The pattern is nice and I absolutely love that because of it a lot of people are sewing bloomers now. But I have to say that it does not really work for my body shape. Nothing that can’t be fixed with adding a bit of height though … I also noticed that the inseam-lenghts of the front and back pattern pieces are quite different, so be careful.

I was going for frilly and lots of lace, so instead of sewing a channel and buttonholes for the ribbon as the pattern suggests, I sewed on some sort of buttonhole tape (together with 3 other kinds of black and white lace and ribbon) and threaded white ribbon through it.

Posted in Uncategorized 06.04.2013