
My Project Journal – Experiments

This blog is part diary, part portfolio. Often, the project's final products are not published yet – I hope you enjoy the process and the journey through the projects!

The journal is not currently translated, posts appear in the language that makes the most sense in context.

Interactive layouting concept

Today I want to document a design project that is also a proof of concept. It combines a few ideas I’ve been curious to try out, and they all came together for this little project.

Initially, I was asked to design a logo for an academic conference in the summer of 2021. This conference was completely online due to travel restrictions and safety concerns, but the team was trying to make the event feel more “real”.

The picture shows a stylized browser window displaying a conference website. We are on the “program” page, and the content is displayed as a text messsage conversation. Different avatars have speech bubbles with the Title of the Page, links to the different conference days, time of the last update, and then a bigger text frame containing the conference program by day.
The program as shown on the website

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Das Klo.

Diese Animation zeigt die komplette Funktionalität des Modells

Im Sommer 2018 hatte ich die Gelegenheit, an einem besonders interessanten Projekt zu arbeiten. Im Rahmen eines Erasmussprojektes das sich mit der Erarbeitung 3D-gedruckter Lehrmaterialien für blinde Schüler*innen befasst, habe ich für das BBI eine Toilette entworfen, die dann in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Medienproduktionsteam von Sebus gedruckt wurde.

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Stage 2: Experiments

Now that I understand how microcapsule paper works, it’s time to get a bit nerdy with material science.

Most blind students in Austria attend regular schools, so they will have sighted people around them. This is why we decided to try and make the materials work better for this integrative approach by including the text in schwarzschrift (literally black print, I don’t think this term exists in English so I’ll stick to the German) too. Schwarzschrift here, for us, is red though. There’s technical reasons for that, but maybe I need to explain how swell paper works first.

Pages of swell paper with test lines in different line styles and red writing in different shades that has stayed flat in the swelling process
Testing different shades of red by applying different heat settings.

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Stage 1: How to read Braille

Pages of swell paper with different surface patters consisting of dots, lines and crosses
A number of pages with different surface patterns and intersections of lines and patterns

My new design project is interesting. It mostly consists of maths and programming, combined with social research. After that, finally, some layouting and typesetting – but the final product will not necessarily look pretty. That’s alright though, since it’s not made to be looked at: We are working on teaching materials for blind and visually impaired students. More specifically, a graphics catalogue to be used in high school maths education.

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