
My Project Journal

This blog is part diary, part portfolio. Often, the project's final products are not published yet – I hope you enjoy the process and the journey through the projects!

The journal is not currently translated, posts appear in the language that makes the most sense in context.

pixels again

The image shows a pixel illustration of a city, in 3 layers. On top there's a skyline and streets and cars and a ferris wheel. One layer down, we can see into a subway station. Below that, we see a crosscut of wastewater pipes and a big cave that can be reached via an elevator from the train station.

It’s evolving! I think it’s only missing the the cinema that is supposed to go in the cave.

Anyway, I thought I’ll post another snippet of the city, because I quite like how the little Ferris Wheel turned out. Also, there’s little lamps and wiring and a wastewater piping system. And I lost count after 80 or 90 hours, pixel illustrations take a long time.