
Changing Worlds?

The poster for the first Changing Worlds Conference is off to the printers!

Poster for the Changing Worlds Conference 2014. On a white Background, 3 views of planet earth are in the bottom left corner. Together they show a full world map. A lot of cultural and technical artifacts grow out of the worlds. On top we have a billboard with the conference title, the contact details are in the bottom right corner.
The pencil sketch became a full poster.

With this poster I wanted to illustrate the multiplicity of human experiences that is also the basis for the name of the conference, ”Changing Worlds”.

We are used to seeing maps of the world centering (and disproportionately enlarging) Europe and North America. So the first decision we made when we decided to put a globe on the poster was to duplicate it to feature all continents.It was very interesting since deviating from the image most people are used to is confusing at first. The 3 globes also appear in different styles, highlighting that maps are always purpose-driven rather than neutral objects.

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poster to be

The picture shows a close up of my drawing table with a piece of paper and several pencils, erasers and tools. The part of the pencil drawing that is in focus shows 3 different globe-style views of the planet earth with various technical artifacts arranged around them.

This will be the poster for a conference I’m organizing with a few fellow students.

We have started organizing a conference at the department of Science and Technology Studies. The idea is to bring together researchers, artists, and other people interested in how humans interact with technology.

The conference itself will be an experiment: We want to bring together academics and non-academics, creating a unique space for exchange. We want to explore the limits of what an academic conference can be, and invite people who would not usually attend events at an university.

We have decided early on that in order to reach a wider audience, our conference has to look good. And this includes having a proper logo and overall design – which I am responsible for.

I decided to go for an analog illustration and color it digitally later. Above you can see an early stage of the illustration before being scanned.